Old Fashioned Peach Crisp

Peach Season is here!

Ahhhh, the peak of the Summertime is late July, and nothing says Summer better than a homemade peach crisp slowly melting a dallop of vanilla ice cream that has been scooped on top. Peaches are one of my favorite fruits, from the fuzzy soft skin to the blush of red around the gnarled pit, I love this summer stone fruit!

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Spiced Chickpea salad

Roasted Chickpea Salad

This is a great warm Autumn salad, especially when you want all of your veggies but don’t want to eat something cold on those chilly days. The warm roasted cauliflower, spiced chick peas and creamy tahini dressing really will warm up your Fall menu!

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Whole Wheat Waffles

Whole Wheat Waffles with beaten Egg Whites

Whole wheat waffles are one of my favorite breakfasts. This summer we have celebrated each fruit on a Sunday morning under the cherry tree in the cool of the morning. We walk outside with our plate heaped high of crisp waffles while the scent of vanilla waifs through the air behind us.

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Ricotta from Powdered Milk

Make Ricotta Cheese From Powdered Milk
Make Ricotta Cheese From Powdered Milk

While we were living in Corn Island, Nicaragua I got pretty desperate for any food from home. One day my niece mistakenly bought powdered milk while on a grocery shopping errand. It can be pretty crazy buying groceries in a third world island store. I thought  “What am I going to do with all of this powdered milk?”

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Homemade Berry Pie

Homemade Berry Pie

The other day a friend knocked on my door, when I opened it, there he stood with a big smile on his face holding a white bucket full of the blackest berries you have ever seen. He had just picked the wild blackberries that morning and picked a bucket for us and for himself.

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