Pasta Gorgonzola e Noci

Pasta Gorgonzola & Walnuts

(Pasta with Gorgonzola & Walnuts)

This is such a simple recipe, I learned it before the quarantine started when friends could still stop by and whip up an informal lunch together. My friends Davide and Giulia came by and wanted to prepare lunch for us. We stopped by the little local market before heading home, Giulia perused the pasta isle carefully, looking for the perfect pasta.

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German Chocolate Cake

German Chocolate Cake Cupcakes!

I am sorry for all of the other cakes in the world, but German Chocolate Cake is my favorite. It has been for a long time. I love the creamy carmel taste of the frosting with coconut and nuts. I think it is supposed to be with pecans but I always make it with walnuts.

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Cinnamon Spiced Persimmon Cookies

Persimmon Cookies

Persimmons are a fruit you either love or hate. In the Central Valley of California where I grew up, Persimmon Trees were plentiful, yet mostly unloved by most people. But how can you not admire a fruit that dares to sport a bright orange color during a time when all other fruit trees are shedding their leaves barren of fruit? In fact, I have memories of the bold, plump, orange persimmon fruit dangling on bare branches in the cold months of winter. I remember looking at this strange tree in a field of fog, barren of all leaves but the orange fruit still clings tight to its branch.

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Genovese Pesto

Pesto Genovese

Its the end of summer and those of us who planted those adorable little basil plants in early summer with dreams of fresh pesto and bruschetta now have basil plants the size of trees spilling out of our Italian balconies. But have no fear, a sizable batch of pesto will soon cut those basil trees back down to size.

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