Lasagna Bolognese

When I returned home to California for a visit, my sister asked me to make Italian Style Lasagna. My sister is known for her very hefty and delicious “American” style lasagna that is full of different cheeses, sausage and ground beef and costs a fortune to make. So we had told her how simple lasagna in Italy is and she really wanted to try it. I don’t know if it will be a game changer for them but this is how they do it in Italy…

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Easy Authentic Italian Tiramasu

Easy Authentic Italian Tiramisu Recipe

I currently live in Italy and this recipe for Tiramisu has become my new “go to” recipe for making a dessert for company. It is prepared the day in advance, it’s easy and always a hit! Whenever we have guests arriving from the US we always make this dessert and it woos them everytime, but even my Italian friends love my recipe and rave about how authentic it is, high praise indeed!

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