Homemade Cannoli
(You will need cannoli molds and pastry bags to make these, I ordered mine at Amazon.com and they were under $10 and arrived in a few days. You can fry the shells a few days before filling them so it’s a great “do-ahead” recipe and a real crowd pleaser!
Homemade Berry Pie
The other day a friend knocked on my door, when I opened it, there he stood with a big smile on his face holding a white bucket full of the blackest berries you have ever seen. He had just picked the wild blackberries that morning and picked a bucket for us and for himself.
Sweet and Spicy Pickles
I love waking up in the cool of the morning before the heat of the summer bares down, sapping me of precious energy. I brew a cup of coffee and step out of my front door while still in my pajamas. My front door leads into my moms beautiful back yard that is more like a garden oasis with little cobblestone pathways meandering around fruit trees and koi ponds. In the morning at first light everything is fresh and dewy and beckons me to stroll along the garden, inspecting every rose and cascading petunia. I nip off the spent flower heads by snapping it off between my thumb and forefinger.
Cherry Cheesecake Ice Cream

This is the MOST delicious ice cream you will ever eat! Ahhhhh, homemade ice cream and summertime…could there be a better combination? I have early memories of homemade ice cream growing up. My mom would mix up a batch of her vanilla custard, stirring the steamy concoction on the stove while sweet vanilla wafted through the air.