Pineapple Coleslaw (Keto Adaptable Recipe)

Pineapple sesame coleslaw

I love this spin on traditional coleslaw, the addition of fresh pineapple really makes the flavors pop. I served it with Southern Fried Chicken and it proved to be a great accompaniment to this classic dish. I think it would be a great addditon with fried fish, pulled pork sliders or any other dish to complete your summer picnic. It is sure to dazzle the tastebuds with its Polynesian flavors!

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Spiced Chickpea salad

Roasted Chickpea Salad

This is a great warm Autumn salad, especially when you want all of your veggies but don’t want to eat something cold on those chilly days. The warm roasted cauliflower, spiced chick peas and creamy tahini dressing really will warm up your Fall menu!

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Vietnamese Lemongrass Beef Salad (Bun Bo Xoa)

With Keto Adaptable Recipe!

I love living in Italy and trying ALL the delicious food that is available here. However, you can take the girl out of California but you can’t take the California out of the girl. I am used to a multi-cultural cuisine and I still get a serious craving for food that is NOT Italian. Tonight I am craving Vietnamese Lemongrass Beef Salad!

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