Online Cooking Classes


The Online Cooking Class Details:

  • Join by Zoom $20 per Zoom Connection
  • Organize your own group and menu selection, pick the day and time that works for you. (5 Zoom connection minimum)
  • Classes generally last from 1-2 hours
  • Most classes have no special equipment required
  • Husbands, kids, families and “social bubbles” are included in one Zoom connection, no extra charge per person
  • You will be doing the cooking yourself, in a “hands on” class, able to interact with me, the teacher! Individualized help and instructions are provided
  • I will provide a list of ingredients and instructions by email prior to the class
  • Learn to make homemade pasta, risotto, desserts and other ethnic foods
  • Hear my stories of learning to cook Italian style from Italians and living in Italy
  • Email me at for more details and to set up a class.
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Uovo Da Raviolo

Uovo da Ravioli (egg yolk ravioli)

 “Uova da Raviolo” is a famous ravioli from the Emilia Romagna Region of Italy up north. The Northern part of Italy is famous for all filled pasta like ravioli. Actually, much of our favorite Italian things are from this region like Parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar and all filled pastas! This is a large ravioli with a whole egg yolk nestled in ricotta cheese.

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Spinach Ricotta Ravioli with Marinara

Spinach Ricotta Ravioli

In my Region of Italy (Lazio), it is not really common to make ravioli. But if they do make it, it’s always Spinach Ricotta Ravioli! I was shown how to make it during a fun Ravioli Making Party hosted by a very talented Italian cook. We made hundreds of these little ravioli for a party the next day. You can ready that article and how to make a large batch for a big group by clicking here,

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Homemade Pasta Dough

Making Homemade Pasta, ravioli

Homemade pasta is like anything else in the cooking world, terrifying until you make again and again. It seemed surreal and strange that you would mix the flour and eggs in a volcanic pile of flour on your bread board, crack the eggs inside the indentation of the “volcano” and whisk with a fork from the center, slowly adding more flour to the eggs with your fork as you work in the center of the volcano.

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Grandma Eleanor’s Beef & Spinach Ravioli

Ravioli Making

So today is the day that we introduce the newest members of our family to our family tradition of making homemade ravioli. This year my niece AND nephew each got married! What a crazy year for my sister and her husband as their busy household welcomed two new members and experienced the hustle and bustle of dating and marriage. Only to be followed up with the quiet days of being (almost) empty nesters. They still have one lovely teenage daughter at home.

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Learning Pasta Making the Italian Way


My American Italian family has been making Ravioli as a tradition for as long as I can remember. As I child my grandparents would come over one day in the winter or fall and we would make ravioli together. I have one particularly good memory of my Grandfather picking me up from High School on “Ravioli Making Day”. He arrived in the front of the school on his motorcycle with a side car. I happily strapped on the helmet and climbed inside the side car and then drove off. I’m quite sure this elevated my “cool” status to unprecedented levels, at least in my mind. I mean, who has a grandpa as cool as that?!?

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Pumpkin Ravioli with Sage Butter

Pumpkin Ravioli with Sage Butter

Autumn is gently rolling in and the late summer harvest of Pumpkins has arrived. I love when I start to see the pumpkins with their large spheres and pale pink skins start to show up at the farmers market. The pumpkins here are different than our American version that are orange skinned. The pumpkins in Italy have pale skin and dark orange interiors. They call them ‘zucca” and this is my favorite variety.

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