Classic Canned Peaches

Classic Canned Peaches

The Peach tree in my Moms back yard was laden with peaches when we first arrived home to California. We excitedly inspected the peaches to see if they were ready for harvesting but the results came back that we needed to wait a few more days after giving a gentle little squeeze to the hard fruit. Within a few days we were picking the first ripe fruits and happily eating the warm fruit from the tree.

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Old Fashioned Peach Crisp

Peach Season is here!

Ahhhh, the peak of the Summertime is late July, and nothing says Summer better than a homemade peach crisp slowly melting a dallop of vanilla ice cream that has been scooped on top. Peaches are one of my favorite fruits, from the fuzzy soft skin to the blush of red around the gnarled pit, I love this summer stone fruit!

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