

With Berry Sauce and Whipped Cream (Keto Adaptable Recipe)

Many of us in America have never heard of Pavlova, but it is almost the National Dessert of Australia and New Zealand. It has been hotly debated which country invented this dessert but we do know that it was concocted for the ballet dancer Anna Povlova during her tour of Australia and New Zealand. The dessert is a light base of meringue topped with fresh fruit and whipped cream. It is as ethereal as the dancer herself.

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Dinner For Six

San Felice Circeo
Beautiful San Felice

We were invited to the beautiful area of San Felice Circeo about an hour south from our house along the coast to have dinner with friends. The evening started at 5:00pm as we drove into the scenic area of San Felice Circeo and parked along the harbor.

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