California Style Grilled Artichokes

California Grilled Artichokes

Grilled artichokes is a family favorite, even the pickiest of my nieces and nephews love the prickly thistle when it’s steamed, marinated and grilled. I can never take the drive to our coastline in Monterey without stopping in Castro Valley for some artichokes. They even have Italy beat in their pricing. Most of the year you can find 10 artichokes for a dollar at the Castro Valley roadside stands. I love the bargain as much as I love eating them!

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Genovese Pesto

Pesto Genovese

Its the end of summer and those of us who planted those adorable little basil plants in early summer with dreams of fresh pesto and bruschetta now have basil plants the size of trees spilling out of our Italian balconies. But have no fear, a sizable batch of pesto will soon cut those basil trees back down to size.

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