Homemade Cannoli
(You will need cannoli molds and pastry bags to make these, I ordered mine at Amazon.com and they were under $10 and arrived in a few days. You can fry the shells a few days before filling them so it’s a great “do-ahead” recipe and a real crowd pleaser!
Homemade Berry Pie
The other day a friend knocked on my door, when I opened it, there he stood with a big smile on his face holding a white bucket full of the blackest berries you have ever seen. He had just picked the wild blackberries that morning and picked a bucket for us and for himself.
Cherry Cheesecake Ice Cream

This is the MOST delicious ice cream you will ever eat! Ahhhhh, homemade ice cream and summertime…could there be a better combination? I have early memories of homemade ice cream growing up. My mom would mix up a batch of her vanilla custard, stirring the steamy concoction on the stove while sweet vanilla wafted through the air.