The Rome of Paul’s Day


Rome has many different faces, there is:

  • The Classical Age (Think: Early Ceasars) that dates from 700 BC to 600 CE
  • Medieval Times or the “Dark Ages” from 476- 1453 CE
  • The Renaissance from 1300-1600 CE
  • Baroque Period (Think: Versailles) that follows The Renaissance from 1600-1750 CE

This tour is for the Rome as the Apostle Paul would have seen it during his travels to Rome during his first and second missionary tours. This was considered the Classical Period of Rome. At Acts 25:6-12 Paul appeals to Ceasar when the Jews try to kill him. “Then Festus, after speaking with the assembly of counselors, replied: “To Caesar you have appealed; to Caesar you will go.”

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The Hill Towns of Central Italy

Hand glider flying over the Pontina Plain in Lazio, Italy

I live in Nettuno, Italy, a one hour train ride south of Rome. My town is beautiful in itself with a Borgo (old Medieval Town) with narrow cobblestone streets complete with a Fortress and Harbor. From my house I can take a 10 minute stroll down through two Piazza’s and through the Borgo and find myself with feet in the sand staring at an endless horizon of sea and beach.

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San Gimignano, a visit to a Tuscany Hill Town

San Gimignano, a Tuscan Hill Town

Recently a few friends from California were in the North of Italy and asked to meet us at the halfway point between us, which happily for us was Tuscany. We love an excuse to journey north and play tourists for the day. Our friends chose the lovely hill town of San Gimignano as a meeting place. The last time we were in Tuscany was about a month ago and the seasonal changes are beautiful to observe when driving through Tuscany.

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