Keto Waffles

Keto Waffles

So no need to write anything about Keto Waffles except YUMM!! Today my husband and I came home at lunch time and decided to eat breakfast for lunch. I had been wanting to try Keto Waffles every since my mother in law told me how much she liked them.

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Kung Pao Chicken (with Keto Version)

Kung Pao Chicken

Kung Pao Chicken is the perfect mid week meal, it’s fast and delicious and full of nutritious veggies! I have been making this meal for years but we are particularly interested in this dish this week for its “Keto” value. Yes, I can’t believe we are on the “Keto” band wagon, but since we have been practicing Intermittent fasting for a while now, we are adding some Ketogenic meals into the mix.

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