

With Berry Sauce and Whipped Cream (Keto Adaptable Recipe)

Many of us in America have never heard of Pavlova, but it is almost the National Dessert of Australia and New Zealand. It has been hotly debated which country invented this dessert but we do know that it was concocted for the ballet dancer Anna Povlova during her tour of Australia and New Zealand. The dessert is a light base of meringue topped with fresh fruit and whipped cream. It is as ethereal as the dancer herself.

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Spanish Seafood Paella


I am always so impressed when I see a large Paella pan filled with red rice, succulent pink shrimp, black mussels opened up, sausage and chicken, topped with parsley and lemon wedges. There is something so romantic and festive about cooking this large dish over an open fire in a special pan with a large group of friends.

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Pumpkin Risotto (Risotto alla Zucca)

Mmmmm, Pumpkin Risotto! It was one of my first acquired recipes while living in Italy and one of my favorites! The Autumn, with its sunny days and cold nights is the perfect time to enjoy this Autumn vegetable while it warms your home and your family. Pumpkin Risotto is like eating macaroni and cheese, the color is orange and the texture creamy. The addition of butter and parmesan at the end adds that cheesy goodness that we all crave.

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Jewish Style Artichokes (Carciofi alla Giudia)

Jewish Style Artichokes (Carciofi alla Guidia)

My region of Italy is Lazio and it is famous for its Artichokes, in Rome you can enjoy them Roman Style or Jewish Style. Both styles trim the artichoke all the way down to only the edible parts. The Roman Style is then simmered in water and olive oil along with spices until soft. It is then eaten in its entirety, no peeling back leaf by leaf until you reach the heart. Nope, you just dig right in. The Chef did all of the work for you.

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Genovese Pesto

Pesto Genovese

Its the end of summer and those of us who planted those adorable little basil plants in early summer with dreams of fresh pesto and bruschetta now have basil plants the size of trees spilling out of our Italian balconies. But have no fear, a sizable batch of pesto will soon cut those basil trees back down to size.

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Lemon Tiramisu

Lemon Tiramisu

Summer desserts are all about being cool, refreshing and light. This lemon Tiramisu is light and airy with just the right amount of lemon and sweet. Don’t let the name distract you, this Tiramisu has no coffee or cocoa in it. But it is created in the exact same recipe and style as a true Tiramisu. If you don’t want to distract your guests you may try just calling it a lemon cake or Torta di Limone.

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