Lemon Meringue Pie

Lemon Meringue pie is an American Classic, we have made it in my family for years and everyone loves it. Recently, here in Italy we were having problems with our cell phone carrier, they kept charging us for extra fees and we had no idea why because the fees were explained in Italian and it didn’t translate well to English when we used Google translate, But our good friend Davide came to our rescue. With a brief phone call to our carrier he resolved our problem and even got some cash back! So for a reward he simply asked for a pie, a lemon meringue pie. Well, that’s easy enough!

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Classic American Turkey Dinner

My Turkey dinner with all of the fixings!

When we are living in Italy, I am often asked what “American” food is and the answer is not always easy. American food is an amalgam of all other foods, we love to eat Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Indian food, Japanese among many others. This is the food we eat. There aren’t many “true” American dishes. Of course there is the Classic American Hamburger, apple pie, all fruit and cream pies for that matter as well as many cakes and cookies.

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Fudge Brownies (using cocoa powder) Keto adaptable!

Fudge Brownies

Fudge Brownies are as much of a hit in Italy as they are in America. Who can resist that moist, deep chocolate flavor? I love this recipe because you just dump all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix it up. It’s easier than using a brownie box mix! Some things in life are just delicious and easy! This recipe is another treasure from that little blue vinyl cook book I copied years ago from my mother.

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Old Fashioned Peach Crisp

Peach Season is here!

Ahhhh, the peak of the Summertime is late July, and nothing says Summer better than a homemade peach crisp slowly melting a dallop of vanilla ice cream that has been scooped on top. Peaches are one of my favorite fruits, from the fuzzy soft skin to the blush of red around the gnarled pit, I love this summer stone fruit!

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Homemade Berry Pie

Homemade Berry Pie

The other day a friend knocked on my door, when I opened it, there he stood with a big smile on his face holding a white bucket full of the blackest berries you have ever seen. He had just picked the wild blackberries that morning and picked a bucket for us and for himself.

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