Gnocchi alla Sorrentino

Gnocchi alla Sorrentino

I enjoyed teaching an Online Cooking Class to make these yummy little Italian potato dumplings! The class had participants from Connecticut and three different locations in California: North, Central and South! All participants were successful in creating their own Gnocchi alla Sorrentino! I really enjoyed cooking with these beautiful ladies and a gentleman!

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Genovese Pesto

Pesto Genovese

Its the end of summer and those of us who planted those adorable little basil plants in early summer with dreams of fresh pesto and bruschetta now have basil plants the size of trees spilling out of our Italian balconies. But have no fear, a sizable batch of pesto will soon cut those basil trees back down to size.

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Vietnamese Lemongrass Beef Salad (Bun Bo Xoa)

With Keto Adaptable Recipe!

I love living in Italy and trying ALL the delicious food that is available here. However, you can take the girl out of California but you can’t take the California out of the girl. I am used to a multi-cultural cuisine and I still get a serious craving for food that is NOT Italian. Tonight I am craving Vietnamese Lemongrass Beef Salad!

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